If you suffer from back pain and are in either of the following two situations, it might be a good idea to visit a chiropractor and have them treat this issue. 

1. Your doctor has told you that your reliance on painkillers is starting to affect your health

Taking the occasionally over-the-counter or prescription painkiller will not usually have any lasting impact on a person's health. However, taking multiple doses of this type of medication on a daily basis for several months or years can have serious consequences, and unfortunately, lots of people who suffer from back pain take painkillers regularly, to help them reduce the pain to a manageable level.

Daily consumption of things like NSAIDs and opioids can, over time, damage the liver, the kidneys and the pancreas. In some cases, this damage may be irreversible. If your doctor has run tests which have shown that your organs have been negatively affected by your use of painkillers for your back problems, then it might be a good idea to reduce your consumption of this medication and start undergoing treatment at a local chiropractic clinic instead.

A chiropractor can perform spinal manipulations that can relieve nerve pressure, release muscle knots and correct alignment problems, which can, in turn, help to keep your pain levels reasonably low (or even completely eliminate your back pain). This can then help you to reduce your reliance on painkillers and thus ensure that you avoid experiencing any further medication-induced health problems.

2. The intensity of your back pain is gradually increasing

Many people experience long-term mild back pain, which they can manage by themselves, by doing things like being mindful of their posture, keeping their core muscles strong and taking the occasional painkiller. However, if your self-help approach is no longer working because the intensity of your back pain has been gradually increasing, then it may be time to go to a chiropractor.

The reason for this is as follows; if you don't seek treatment now, and your back pain continues to get worse, your mobility levels and your ability to focus on day-to-day tasks may start to decline to the point where your quality of life is negatively affected. Getting treated by a chiropractor at this stage will ensure that the underlying cause of your back pain is discovered and resolved before it begins to interfere with your life or causes you to become physically dependent on painkillers.
