A child with infantile colic cries for up to three hours or more per day but does not have any other signs of sickness. The continuous crying can be very distressing for new parents, mainly because most of the times, there is little they can do to soothe the child. Paediatricians usually recommend some treatments for infantile colic. However, most of them are a quick fix, and the only permanent solution would be treating the actual source of the problem. Understanding the connection between colic and what chiropractors do is the first step in deciding whether your child will benefit from the alternative therapy.

The causes of colic

Although medical researchers cannot trace colic to a single source, there are certain factors that have been known to contribute to the condition. Most babies with colic usually have symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort and abdominal cramps. Researchers believe that the problems with the digestive system result from an immature or under-active gut. When a child's gut is not fully developed at the time of birth and they have to take milk, which causes gas build up during digestion, the discomfort leads to the endless bouts of crying.

How a chiropractor helps

There are some ways in which a chiropractor can help a child suffering from colic, especially if the underlying cause is gas build up. The manipulations increase the nerve flow in the small intestines. This encourages peristalsis, the wave-like movements that push waste and gas that is to be excreted along. When the blockage and gas are released, the pressure in the gut eases, and the child stops crying.

Improving the nervous system is the second thing that a chiropractor can do to help your child have fewer bouts of colic. The nervous system runs through the spine, and when there is a misalignment, especially in infants, it stops functioning as it should, which also affects the gut. The role of the chiropractor is to stimulate the spine and realign it so that the pressure on the nervous system can ease. With time, this alleviates colic symptoms.

Those are a few ways that a children's chiropractor can help you deal with colic in infants. It is crucial to note that there are other causes of colic, such as diseases caused by intestinal microorganisms. It is best to have a paediatrician rule out all these other causes before embarking on chiropractic treatment.
